Can Büyükberber and Daniel Sabio
Can Büyükberber
Can Büyükberber is a visual artist working on immersive audiovisual experiences blurring boundries between physical and digital spaces. His practice consists of experiments with virtual/augmented reality, projection mapping, geodesic domes, large-scale displays and digital fabrication. Driven by an interdisciplinary thinking which extends to art, design and science, his work focuses on human perception, exploring new methods for non-linear narratives and emergent forms.
Daniel Sabio
The Glad Scientist is the pseudonym of Puerto Rican new media artist Daniel Sabio. His creations are constellations of the joyful augmentation of humanness through technology, ranging from live VR/AV performances to computer vision and EEG art installations. Thematically, science fiction and a criticality towards technology remain prevalent, often posing questions on what it means to be human in the exaggerated futures that await.