Nick Chelyapov & Rosie Weinberg

Wednesday, October 3, 2018
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Nick Chelyapov

After art school, Nick fell into entertainment advertising. And that was fun at first, then soul sucking. After moving to Cambridge, he started a series of art shows called Curious Sound Objects, and is now making music toys so everyone can enjoy the fun of playing music together. He also gets to make ads for something he really loves.

Rosie Weinberg

Rosa Weinberg is a licensed architect. Since 2014, she has taught design full-time at NuVu Studio in Central Square. More than half of the almost fifty studios she has taught relate to designing for the body through topics such as assistive devices, speculative prosthetics, fashion and dance. When she worked as an architect, the building sites she designed for were flat planes--the ground. Her current work is affixed to the body: a contoured, fleshy, expanding, contracting site that is in motion. Her latest projects are focused on this site of attachment.